Pastor Garza es un nativo de México quien fue criado en los Estados Unidos. Su pasado único le permite no solo comprender pero, también, ayudar gente llegando a los Estados Unidos. Tiene la experiencia, la educación, y el amor para ayudar a cualquiera prosperar en este país espiritualmente, emocionalmente y físicamente.
Pastor Garza es un maestro dinámico y un predicador con mensajes tratando con temas pertinentes a la comunidad Hispana. Su ministerio ha tocado, inspirado y retado a muchos hacia el ministerio. Su amor por el pueblo de Dios y los perdidos lo ha retado a buscar medios para edificar y motivar a su departamento a ser una familia que ama y alcanza a todos.
Reverend Garza is a native of Mexico who was reared in the United States. His unique background allows him the ability to not only understand but, also, help people coming into the United States. He has the experience, education, and the love to help anyone succeed in this country spiritually, emotionally and physically.
Pastor Garza is a dynamic teacher and preacher with messages pertinent with issues facing the Hispanic community. His ministry has touched, inspired and challenged many people into full time ministry. His love for God's people and the lost has challenged him to seek ways to edify and motivate his department into becoming loving family that reaches all.